Three important factors affect your electricity costs.
- The Price of Fuel. As you know, the price of fuel is dependent on the world market and fluctuates widely. LUCELEC has no control over that price. It has been established by legislation that increases or decreases in the price of fuel will be passed on to consumers in the form of the fuel surcharge cost adjustment factor. It is done so without being marked up by LUCELEC. Therefore, the amount of your monthly electricity bill is made up of two charges: the fuel surcharge cost adjustment factor and the charge for usage.
- LUCELEC Operating Costs. LUCELEC strives to operate as efficiently as possible at all levels and in all areas of the company. We deliver to our customers the very best possible balance between reliability and cost efficiency. Investments in new generating equipment have resulted in reduced fuel consumption and, in 1999, a breakdown free year. The Transmission and Distribution system continues to reduce line losses dramatically, again resulting in operating efficiencies. These and many other operating efficiencies add up to significant cost savings for our customers.
- You. The final important factor rests in your hands. By using electricity efficiently you can reduce your own costs. The Customer Tips section of this web site includes many suggestions of how you can use your electric appliances more efficiently. Try putting a timer on your water heater. Make sure you don't leave the refrigerator door open. Use lower wattage light bulbs. Your Electricity Bill allows you to track your usage. Try some of the energy saving Customer Tips and see if you can reduce your usage.